1,135 research outputs found

    Organizational Adoption of Blockchain Technology: An Ecosystem Perspective

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    Organizations of all sizes are developing blockchain projects in hopes of reaping benefits from this technology. Despite rising academic interest in blockchain technology, extant research has primarily focused on technical or design challenges and improvements, with scant scholarly attention being paid to factors contributing to the adoption of blockchain technologies by organizations, which presents an opportunity for us to undertake this theory guided empirical investigation. Drawing on the Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) framework and extending the framework by considering the network of actors comprising an enterprise blockchain ecosystem, we identify a set of factors most applicable to blockchain adoption and developed a research model that examines how different technological (i.e., perceived usefulness, compatibility, relative advantage, complexity, and scope of technology), organizational (i.e., top management support, organizational readiness, firm size, and firm centralization), and environmental ecosystem actors (i.e., business competition, trading partner support, technology vendor support, governmental support, and customer support) influence organizational adoption of blockchain technology. We also propose a cross-industry field survey to test our hypotheses

    Wind Event Warning System

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    A method of detecting a wind event utilizing Doppler lidar includes causing a Doppler lidar unit to operate in a course scan mode in which a lidar beam is scanned along several directions. Line-of-sight wind speed measurements are generated at each direction and a derivative with respect to distance of the line-of-sight wind speed measurements is calculated at each of the directions. A predicted angular position of a wind event is determined, and the lidar unit may then operate in a fine scan mode in which only a limited sector is scanned. The potential wind event is then quantified utilizing data obtained using the fine scan mode

    Magic Numbers for the Photoelectron Anisotropy in Li-Doped Dimethyl Ether Clusters

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    Photoelectron velocity map imaging of Li(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n clusters (1 ≤\leq n ≤\leq 175) is used to search for magic numbers related to the photoelectron anisotropy. Comparison with density functional calculations reveals magic numbers at n=4, 5, and 6, resulting from the symmetric charge distribution with high s-character of the highest occupied molecular orbital. Since each of these three cluster sizes correspond to the completion of a first coordination shell, they can be considered as 'isomeric motifs of the first coordination shell'. Differences in the photoelectron anisotropy, the vertical ionization energies and the enthalpies of vaporization between Li(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n and Na(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n can be rationalized in terms of differences in their solvation shells, atomic ionization energies, polarizabilities, metal-oxygen bonds, ligand-ligand interactions, and by cooperative effects

    Security of Tenure and Land Registration in Africa: Literature Review and Synthesis

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    In 1984, the Land Tenure Center embarked on a project to evaluate the experiences with land registration and tenure reform in Africa. The goal was to determine is African states been able to use tenure reform and land registration to provide greater security of tenure than was available through customary tenure systems. Donor agencies focused attention on the creation of individual freehold title, emphasizing the heightened security of holding, marketability, and access to credit under such tenure. National governments, on the other hand, were more concerned to see that land was used productively rather than merely accumulated for purposes of prestige or inheritance or as a hedge against inflation, and for this reason have tended to favor granting more circumscribed rights, such as leaseholds or rights of occupancy. This literature review and synthesis was prepared as part of an effort to increase very substantially our knowledge, especially on a quantitative level, of tenure and development relationships in Africa. The literature review is an attempt to gather in one place data about the diverse efforts at land registration and to describe briefly for each country the various registration programs that have taken place (if any), why they were undertaken, and what subsequent studies of these programs have found. Among other things, it will be seen that the intended benefits, and beneficiaries, of land registration have changed over the century or so since the first systems were put in place. In addition to these variations over time, there are also differences among Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone countries, differences that not only influenced the structure of registration systems established during the colonial era, but also continue to inform the kinds of registration systems adopted today.Land Economics/Use,

    A Long Distance Laser Altimeter for Terrain Relative Navigation and Spacecraft Landing

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    A high precision laser altimeter was developed under the Autonomous Landing and Hazard Avoidance (ALHAT) project at NASA Langley Research Center. The laser altimeter provides slant-path range measurements from operational ranges exceeding 30 km that will be used to support surface-relative state estimation and navigation during planetary descent and precision landing. The altimeter uses an advanced time-of-arrival receiver, which produces multiple signal-return range measurements from tens of kilometers with 5 cm precision. The transmitter is eye-safe, simplifying operations and testing on earth. The prototype is fully autonomous, and able to withstand the thermal and mechanical stresses experienced during test flights conducted aboard helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and Morpheus, a terrestrial rocket-powered vehicle developed by NASA Johnson Space Center. This paper provides an overview of the sensor and presents results obtained during recent field experiments including a helicopter flight test conducted in December 2012 and Morpheus flight tests conducted during March of 2014

    Forward voltage short-pulse technique for measuring high power laser array junction temperature

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    The present invention relates to a method of measuring the temperature of the P-N junction within the light-emitting region of a quasi-continuous-wave or pulsed semiconductor laser diode device. A series of relatively short and low current monitor pulses are applied to the laser diode in the period between the main drive current pulses necessary to cause the semiconductor to lase. At the sufficiently low current level of the monitor pulses, the laser diode device does not lase and behaves similar to an electronic diode. The voltage across the laser diode resulting from each of these low current monitor pulses is measured with a high degree of precision. The junction temperature is then determined from the measured junction voltage using their known linear relationship

    Navigation Doppler Lidar for Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Space Vehicles

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    A Doppler lidar instrument has been developed and demonstrated for providing critical vector velocity and altitude/range data for autonomous precision navigation. Utilizing advanced component technologies, this lidar can be adapted to different types of vehicles

    Doppler Lidar System Design via Interdisciplinary Design Concept at NASA Langley Research Center - Part III

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    Optimized designs of the Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL) instrument for Autonomous Landing Hazard Avoidance Technology (ALHAT) were accomplished via Interdisciplinary Design Concept (IDEC) at NASA Langley Research Center during the summer of 2013. Three branches in the Engineering Directorate and three students were involved in this joint task through the NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Program. The Laser Remote Sensing Branch (LRSB), Mechanical Systems Branch (MSB), and Structural and Thermal Systems Branch (STSB) were engaged to achieve optimal designs through iterative and interactive collaborative design processes. A preliminary design iteration was able to reduce the power consumption, mass, and footprint by removing redundant components and replacing inefficient components with more efficient ones. A second design iteration reduced volume and mass by replacing bulky components with excessive performance with smaller components custom-designed for the power system. The existing power system was analyzed to rank components in terms of inefficiency, power dissipation, footprint and mass. Design considerations and priorities are compared along with the results of each design iteration. Overall power system improvements are summarized for design implementations

    Initial Investigation of Reaction Control System Design on Spacecraft Handling Qualities for Earth Orbit Docking

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    A program of research, development, test, and evaluation is planned for the development of Spacecraft Handling Qualities guidelines. In this first experiment, the effects of Reaction Control System design characteristics and rotational control laws were evaluated during simulated proximity operations and docking. Also, the influence of piloting demands resulting from varying closure rates was assessed. The pilot-in-the-loop simulation results showed that significantly different spacecraft handling qualities result from the design of the Reaction Control System. In particular, cross-coupling between translational and rotational motions significantly affected handling qualities as reflected by Cooper-Harper pilot ratings and pilot workload, as reflected by Task-Load Index ratings. This influence is masked but only slightly by the rotational control system mode. While rotational control augmentation using Rate Command Attitude Hold can reduce the workload (principally, physical workload) created by cross-coupling, the handling qualities are not significantly improved. The attitude and rate deadbands of the RCAH introduced significant mental workload and control compensation to evaluate when deadband firings would occur, assess their impact on docking performance, and apply control inputs to mitigate that impact
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